Friday, May 23, 2008

Week Four

On Thursday, we started making the pads. The pads are at the end of the bridge where the roadbed connects, almost like a support system, so clearly the pads are extremely important. To make them, we had to dig holes and then fill them with concrete. Unfortunately, on Thursday, we ran out of concrete, so we had to stop there, but that didn't stop us for long. On Friday, a team of eight kids went out and continued making and pouring cement as the rest of us constucted the initial frame for the roadbed. In case you were wondering, the roadbed is what hangs from the towers and is what Mr. Bergen has to walk across once we finish construction.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Week Three

Monday, our class took a little break to make skateboards. After that, we continued the bridge and started to build the roadbed trusses. Floor trusses are the beams on either side of to support the plywood. Once we finish that, we started the construction of the roadbed.